April 30, 2012

International Rob B - Music Monday

                          Who is International Rob B -I.R.B as an artist?

An artist who anyone can relate to and model their career by. For example, when you talk about someone who has persevered through adversity as an adolescent, played collegiate sports, and obtained his B.A degree, it's speaks levels in comparison to the average artist. An American ambassador is what we like to think of I.R.B as who not only through music can make a difference but also as a brand.

U Knoow!

                            What's sets International Rob B -I.R.B apart?  

 "I believe "Breath of fresh air"  is the right phrase as it gets redundant to hear the same ol song.  Artist now days want to be better than the average, true, but brag about what you have and don't have, "boast" is good word. I.R.B talks about what he does have and how he makes his current position "the big time"  in relation to what everyone tries to do everyday. I.R.B tries to engage his audience by painting a picture through experiences and a vision that no one has thought about."

                                       Checkout the latest video 


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~~~I'm Out 
~Magi <3 \V/.

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